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  • The Effect of Misinterpretation of Scriptures inPentecostal Churches in Uganda: A Case of FullGospel Church Kirombe-Luzira Kampala

The Effect of Misinterpretation of Scriptures inPentecostal Churches in Uganda: A Case of FullGospel Church Kirombe-Luzira Kampala



This study examined the effects of misinterpretation of scriptures in Pentecostal Churches in Uganda: A Case of Full Gospel

Church Kirombe-Kampala. This chapter contains the Ttitle; the problems background; purpose of the study; objectives; study

scope; hypothesis; significance and definintion of terms. Full Gospel Churches of Uganda are over 1600 churches country-wide

with its mother church headquarters at Makerere Hill Road plot number 55-59, is situated.

A full grasp of scriptures is attained when exegesis of Biblical text is in tandem with the theological interpretation of

scripture. This study geared at over coming the disparity between exegeses and theological interpretation.

A. Title of Proposed Study:

The Effect of Misinterpretation of Scriptures in Pentecostal Churches

This study examined the effects of misinterpretation of scriptures in Pentecostal Churches in Uganda: A Case of Full Gospel

Church Kirombe-Kampala. This chapter contains the Ttitle; the problems background; purpose of the study; objectives; study

scope; hypothesis; significance and definintion of terms. Full Gospel Churches of Uganda are over 1600 churches country-wide

with its mother church headquarters at Makerere Hill Road plot number 55-59, is situated.

A full grasp of scriptures is attained when exegesis of Biblical text is in tandem with the theological interpretation of

scripture. This study geared at over coming the disparity between exegeses and theological interpretation.

A. Title of Proposed Study:

The Effect of Misinterpretation of Scriptures in Pentecostal Churches

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